Welcome to LusidOSC

LusidOSC is an open source initiative to define and support a layer for unique spatial input devices using Open Sound Control. While inspired by TUIO, LusidOSC links many new and evolving spatial input devices (systems that uniquely identify objects such as markers, tags, regions, fingertips, etc. in physical space) with LusidOSC-based applications. The protocol layer is designed to support data from interfaces such as Trackmate, Reactable, Sensetable, and g-speak, and can easily be extended to support others.

LusidOSC aims to cleanly connect spatial interfaces with user-level applications via a simple, extendable protocol using a local or remote socket connection. The protocol is currently in its first release and is designed to grow as new ideas are formulated about how to interact with unique spatial input devices.

How LusidOSC Works

LusidOSC serves as a bridge between low-level spatial input devices and high-level spatial applications. By providing an abstract layer above the sensing technology, applications can freely move across different spatial input devices as technologies evolve. This flexibility allows developers to join their efforts of creating cutting-edge applications and libraries that use unique spatial object data without risking obsolescence as this rapidly expanding field develops.

LusidOSC Libraries

LusidOSC is built on top of Open Sound Control, which supports a very wide range of library support for most programming languages.

Spatial Applications that use LusidOSC

Spatial Input Devices that use LusidOSC

LusidOSC / TUIO Gateway

Since LusidOSC extends ideas from TUIO, it's easy to transform LusidOSC messages into TUIO messages if needed. With the LusidOSC/TUIO Gateway, you can also run all of your favorite TUIO applications on any LusidOSC-capable spatial input device.
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