Welcome to LusidOSC
LusidOSC is an open source initiative to define and support a layer for unique spatial input devices using Open Sound Control. While inspired by TUIO, LusidOSC links many new and evolving spatial input devices (systems that uniquely identify objects such as markers, tags, regions, fingertips, etc. in physical space) with LusidOSC-based applications. The protocol layer is designed to support data from interfaces such as Trackmate, Reactable, Sensetable, and g-speak, and can easily be extended to support others.LusidOSC aims to cleanly connect spatial interfaces with user-level applications via a simple, extendable protocol using a local or remote socket connection. The protocol is currently in its first release and is designed to grow as new ideas are formulated about how to interact with unique spatial input devices.
How LusidOSC Works
LusidOSC serves as a bridge between low-level spatial input devices and high-level spatial applications. By providing an abstract layer above the sensing technology, applications can freely move across different spatial input devices as technologies evolve. This flexibility allows developers to join their efforts of creating cutting-edge applications and libraries that use unique spatial object data without risking obsolescence as this rapidly expanding field develops.
- Read the LusidOSC Specification v1.0 for a detailed description of the protocol.
- Want to give it a try? Check out the getting started page on the wiki.
- Post any questions you may have to the LusidOSC Forums.
- Suggestions are always welcome. Tell us how you think we could improve LusidOSC.
- What's next? If you are interested in helping with the development of LusidOSC, email us to be added as a collaborator on the LusidOSC v1.1 document.
LusidOSC Libraries
LusidOSC is built on top of Open Sound Control, which supports a very wide range of library support for most programming languages.- Processing LusidOSC Lib
- MaxMSP Example Patcher
- Java LusidOSC Lib
- Python LusidOSC Lib (coming soon)
- C++ LusidOSC Lib (coming soon)
- + more LusidOSC libraries on the wiki...
Spatial Applications that use LusidOSC
- LusidOSC Processing Bundle
This is a bundle of spatial applications written in Processing that receives LusidOSC data and acts accordingly. The bundle includes a basic application for getting started, a command luncher, a playlist mixer, and a MIDI sequencer. Processing is an easy way to get started writing your own spatial applications with simple graphical, audio, and networking support. - LusidOSC Java/Eclipse Bundle
If you want to build large-scale applications and know your way around Java, the Java/Eclipse Bundle is a good place to start. Only one simple application is currently included, but more will be added to the bundle as they are developed. Eclipse is an extremely powerful integrated deveopement environment for coding in Java (as well as many other languages via plugins). - + more spatial applications on the wiki...
Spatial Input Devices that use LusidOSC
- LusidOSC Simulator
The Simulator is a Java test application built with Processing that allows you to simulate a spatial input device. It is intended for testing that a spatial application is behaving correctly with respect to position and rotation of objects on a tabletop.
- Sensetable
Sensetable is a hardware platform for bringing the computer interface off of the screen and onto the tabletop. Patten Studio has developed a robust and affordable implementation of the Sensetable platform for a variety of commercial applications.
- Trackmate
Trackmate is an inexpensive, do-it-yourself tangible tracking system that allows any computer to recognize tagged objects and their corresponding position, rotation, and color information when placed on a surface.
- + more spatial input devices on the wiki...
LusidOSC / TUIO Gateway
Since LusidOSC extends ideas from TUIO, it's easy to transform LusidOSC messages into TUIO messages if needed. With the LusidOSC/TUIO Gateway, you can also run all of your favorite TUIO applications on any LusidOSC-capable spatial input device.- Download the LusidOSC/TUIO gateway application for Windows, Mac, or Linux.